We are glad to announce that the 9th International Symposium on Nitrides and Related Materials (ISNT2017) & 5th International Symposium on SiAlONs and Non-oxides (ISSNOX5) will be held together in Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan from Sunday, August 27th to Friday, September 1, 2017. We will exchange our new understanding on nitrides and oxynitrides in the symposium on Sunday to Wednesday and its attached workshop for the Advanced Nitrides on Thursday and Friday.What's New
- 2017.8.4
Final conference program is open!
- 2017.8.4
Method of presentation is updated!
- 2017.5.1
Tentative conference program is updated!
- 2017.4.7
Accommodation: Link to JTB web site!
- 2017.4.7
Tentative conference program is uploaded!
- 2017.4.7
Tentative schedule of workshop is uploaded!