Scientific program
Final program (2022/11/3) was open.NEW
Program Overview

Conference Floor Plans

Final program (2022/11/3) was open.NEW
The Society of Powder Technology, Japan
The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
The Ceramic Society of Japan
The American Ceramic Society
The European Ceramic Society
The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
The Japan Institute of Energy
The Japan Society on Adsorption
Smart Processing Society for Materials, Environment & Energy
124th Committee on Advanced Ceramics, Japan Society of Promotion of Science
Japan Welding Society
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Fuji Kyuko Co., Ltd.
Society for the Study of Natural Pigments and the Grinding Process Using Stones from Mount Fuji (NPO)
Kao Corporation
ICCCI2018, Kurashiki, Japan
9th-12th July, 2018